Thursday 18 July 2013

Jeudi. (Thursday) - A Day in Paris

Today we had to wake up at 6.45am because we had to go on a bus to go to Paris.  The first thing we went to the Eiffel Tower it was very amazing and big. We had to wait in line to climb up it. It is 274 metres high. It is named after Mr Eiffel who built the Eiffel Tower. He built it for a world exhibition and it was only supposed to last 20 years but they decided that they should keep it since it was such a big model. But everyone complained that it was so ugly and Paris didn't deserve to have it.

 After having some food at the top of the tower we made it back down all the steps and headed along the river towards Notre Dame.  It was a big walk but there were lots of things for us to see and do along the way.  There was a great climbing wall, hundreds of boats doing cruise tours along the river and a bridge with thousands of padlocks on it.

This very big chalk board is along the water front you can write your name on it and say when you were here there are thousands of difereent names on the black board.

We then wandered along to see the Louvre where the Mona Lisa painting is.  We only walked around the outside though as we didn't have time to go searching for her.  The Lourve was HUGE and would take weeks to walk around and see all the paintings.  In the square there were big glass pyramids that you could touch the roof of if you reached up high

Our walk along the Champs-Elysees took us to the Arc De Triomphe and then back to the bus to head back to camp.  It was a big day and we walked 31250 steps according to Dad's pedometer.  It was a great trip to Paris and getting to climb the Eiffel Tower.


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